Jan 6, 2006

I beg your pardon

Ella woke up with a dry diaper this morning. I asked her if she wanted to go potty she replied “No kanx.” While having breakfast I asked her if she wanted some cranberry juice, she replied “No kanx.” After playing blocks for some time I demanded she get her shoes back on so her feet would be warm, she replied “No kanx.” I’m not sure I would call this the “terrible twos” but maybe I would call it the “politely disagreeable twos”.


Anonymous said...

Call them the terrific two's for a different spin. Just wait 'til 3, then you'll see what terrible is. Ha! :)

Jenny said...

I imagine philosophical arguments about the merits of broccoli at age three.

Table4Five said...

It's great when they learn "please" and "thank you" until you're trying to get them to do something necessary like take a bath or finish their dinner and they keep saying "no THANK YOU", as if that automatically means they don't have to do it.