Jan 20, 2006

The Life of Pi

I read The Life of Pi in three days. I decided to read it after hearing “it’s a life changing experience”. I wouldn’t say it was life changing for me except that I missed a good deal of sleep because I was reading but I would say it was Excellent.

Part one was a little like a text book. A good text book, like one written by that really good History teacher you had in college who told a story about how his wife got the shits in New Delhi on vacation totally forcing you to remember for the rest of your life the capital is New Delhi and the population is over 1,000,000,000 and clean water is a problem. Part one was devoured the first day.

Part two came just in time. I started to look ahead and wonder if there was ever going to be any action. I said to Dan “It’s like a conversation with an old hippy, lots of philosophy and color and no point”. Alas the first paragraph of part two is shocking and dire. So I sat until 1:00am reading as much of part two as I could. The whole next day I thought about Pi and his situation, I agonized until I could find out what happened.

Part three was very short and went by in minutes after the epic second half of part two. I nearly choked on it I ate it up so fast. I had to stop to enjoy it several times. I was very satisfied with it all. I am glad I read it and I find my mind wandering back to it throughout my day and considered reading it again (yes, twice in a row).


BoomBoom said...

How you and the Duchess can read books that fast is beyond me. I really enjoy books, but my record for a novel read is something like 10 days (The DaVinci Code). And even then I felt as though I was reading all the time.

Jenny said...

It was that good. I had intended to read it over the next couple of weeks. Now I must start fesh and pick a new book. I think I'm gong to read part II to Wicked.

Spinster books said...

I always tell people to get throught the first hundred pages before they decide to abandon it....its so amazing... Have you read the Time Travelers Wife, yet??

Jenny said...

Oh, I totally fell in love with the Time Traveler's Wife over the summer. Henry is so tragic and wonderfl. My Grandma is reading it right now. She traded me for Anne Rice's New one "Christ the Lord Out of Egypt" again a little slow going but here's the thing, I ALWAYS finish a book. Even if it takes me months to slog through it while I read others on the side. (I've never walked out of a movie either).